Guide to visit the museum

The first communities

Showcases in the centre of the room (space 1)

All over Catalonia remains from different periods of prehistory have been found. The central showcases in the room contain some of those objects, which chart the evolution of human groups through the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic, a process that follows common patterns with the rest of Europe.

The first flint tools belong to nomadic communities that lived from hunting and gathering during the Palaeolithic. When we compare them we observe that the stone is more worked to produce more specialized tools. Next, there are objects for everyday use related to the practice of agriculture in the Neolithic, such as the stone mill for grinding grain and fragments of ceramic pieces.

Outstanding among the Neolithic objects in the third showcase is the variscite necklace. Variscite is a mineral frequently used for ornaments in the funerary trappings of the grave burials in Catalonia. It is extracted from mines such as Can Tintorer in Gavà, which are rare in Europe.

The last showcase contains objects that reveal a mastery of smelting of metals, such as the bracelet and the moulds for making bronze rods.