Guide to visit the museum

The economic growth of the sixties

With the changes in international politics, from the sixties the borders are opened to tourism and foreign investment, especially in industry. This is an attempt to project an image of economic progress and social welfare. Catalonia, where this sector is concentrated, begins to recover economically and attracts new waves of workers from Andalusia, Extremadura and Galicia. The emblematic example is the opening of the SEAT factory in Barcelona. One of their cars, the SEAT 600, becomes the first car a large part of the population can afford.

Despite the control and the repression, new opposition to the Franco regime emerges in workers’ collectives, student groups and even neighbourhood associations. The demands are many: from the recovery of democratic freedoms and labour rights to civic aspects such as equality for women or sexual orientation, by way of national demands in the case of Catalonia. Demonstrations, concerts and publications are often violently repressed by the police and the army.