Guide to visit the museum

Cultural recovery

Durant the second half of the 19th century there is a great flowering of culture linked to the recovery of the Catalan language and culture, a movement known as the Renaixença. In showcase 28b you can see extracts from novels written in Catalan by authors of the day, such as L’Atlàntida by Jacint Verdaguer.

After more than a century of prohibitions of the use of Catalan, the Renaixença launches a process of defence of Catalan language and identity which will continue through the 20th century. The recovery of traditions and the rediscovery of the historical and artistic heritage are also part of that process, since they are included in the search for a cultural identity. All of that is driven by a strong associative movement, characteristic of the end of the 19th century, where quite different interests such as song, training, sport, folklore or history are mixed with national and class demands. This is also the time of the first feminist movements, with figures such as Dolors Monserda, author of La fabricanta,which, from conservative positions, call for improvements in the situation of women workers.